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Sunday, December 09, 2012

Dear You,

Thank you for the past 4 years and for loving me the way you did. Thank you for everything, from the start to the end. For every single moment of love and tears and the constant battles that we went through, I just.. no words can express how i feel towards you, towards all the memories. Every hug and last goodbye kiss. I will hold your scent in my heart and keep it in me. always. no one will ever understand me the way you did and do. and im rambling now and trying my bestest not to cry but its tough and i don't think i can pull through the days to come. All i want for you is happiness and I hope that without me by your side, you can finally achieve that.


I will always love you and watch out for you.

Please don't ever forget me.

With love,

maybe we'll go too far,we just dont care

abt me.

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