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Sunday, September 22, 2013

love and loss and why

About 4 months since the last post and how things have changed so much since then.
Priorities, questions, people, values
Im caught up in this whirlwind of emotions but through the fog, one thing is clear.
I have changed.

Despite everything that has happened, I feel like an old chunk of me has been stripped away.
Not necessarily in place of something good. But I am happier and I guess I am slowly starting to rediscover myself again.

Above everything else, I am so thankful to the One up there for always constantly providing, despite my failures. I am not proud of many decisions that I have made, especially as of lately. But it is with a thankful heart that I find myself immersed in new beginnings.

I don't quite know what I want just yet but I do know what is it that I don't want now.

At the end of the day, are there more things you like about him or things that you don't like?
For the most special person in my life.

Till the next post, ta ta =)

maybe we'll go too far,we just dont care

abt me.

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